...Ms. Shatzkes designs and implements creative programs that make each child recognize that their role, personality, story and character has significance that is important to the world they live and learn in. Her activities are designed to engage children using all their senses, their physical bodies, listening skills and storytelling, sparking an interest in a subject they may have not put thought into before. She is a fearless leader who, through her unassuming dynamic and fun self, models that difficulty is an opportunity for growth, not a reason to close up or hide away. She faces frustrating challenges with a balanced thoughtful approach, always seeking to empower students to take responsibility and problem solve. Students know they can trust that she has their best interest in mind and will take risks they might not have otherwise without her support. – A Yeshivah of Flatbush Parent


Sally Shatzkes is an educator unlike anyone I have ever known. As a drama therapist, she changes the lives of young and old alike, strengthening Jewish values and commitments while providing the context in which her students learn to express their feelings, solve problems and achieve therapeutic goals. – A Yeshivah of Flatbush HS principal


… Sally creates new improved worlds for everyone with whom she interacts throughout the year.A Yeshivah of Flatbush HS principal


She taught me to listen not only to people’s words, but to the things about them that make them who they are… She taught me to listen and see not only everything that is on the outside, but feel what is going on in the inside. And when you finally feel a person’s soul, you can learn what it is like to truly connect with a world that everyday becomes slightly less about me, and more about how can I help to bring more good in this world for everybody. Then, you can understand what it is like to be truly happy. – A Witness Theater graduate


Mrs. Shatzkes is uniquely talented in her ability to create a safe, therapeutic and educational environment in which the Holocaust survivors’ stories and experiences can be heard, held and shared by the group.  Mrs. Shatzkes shines in her aptness to bring compassion as well as joy to her Witness Theater groups, and to make every member feel at ease and valued from the moment they enter the room.A Witness Theater Staff Member


Through her fresh and creative approach, scores of young Jews have a secure foundation upon which to further their education, connect with the community and ensure Jewish continuity.Lead Rabbi, local synagogue


…Straightforward, dynamic, creative, responsible, and passionate are the words that come to mind when I think of Sally Shatzkes.  She is a team player and a thorough professional.  – A Yeshivah of Flatbush E.S. Principal